10 de dezembro de 2007

Krishna Das - Flow of Grace: Chanting the Hanuman Chalisa (2007)


CD 1

Sri Ram Chalisa
Hallelujah Chalisa
Good Ole Chalisa
Nina Chalisa
Mountain Chalisa
Bernie's Chalisa
Ring Song / Jaya Siya Ram


8 de dezembro de 2007

Yofiyah - Kabalah Kirtan (2006)

Kabbalah, the mystical teachings of Judaism. Kirtan, the art of devotional chant. Bring them together and you unfold the beauty of Kabbalah Kirtan, an ecstatic new musical form that invites you to sing to, and join with, God.

1. Dodi Li
2. Hamakom Hazeh
3. Echad B' Echad
4. Yishakeni
5. L'chah Dodi
6. Ahava Raba
7. Oseh Shalom


Vocal visionary and one of the originators of Kabbalah Kirtan, Yofiyah (Susan Deikman) is known for her dynamic style of chanting, and ability to engage people in the intensity and joy of kirtan. Yofiyah offers you a powerful, direct, and personally transformative entry to this ecstatic spiritual practice based on the chanting of sacred Hebrew texts and Names of God.

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